Six Tips to Help Eliminate Debt Starting Now 2023 #FinLitFilmFest
1. Put Your Spending on Pause Before you create a plan to reduce your debt, you have to push aside the temptation to make more. Put those credit cards in a safe place and don’t apply for any new accounts. 2. Create A New Budget and Get Your Family Involved Take a look at your budget and determine if there are ways you can reduce non-essential expenses while you are getting out of debt. Do you need your entire cable TV package? If you’ve been having dinner delivered, can you cook at home more often instead? Once you’ve gone through the work of trimming your budget, sit down with your family, and discuss the new changes. Having everyone on the same page and accountable to one another will make it much easier to stick to the plan. 3. Find Creative Ways to Put More Money Toward Your Debt When times get tough, sometimes you have to get a little creative when thinking about coming up with the money to reduce your debt. Here are some ideas to consider: Get a part-time job or start a side busi...